deze chip is de oorzaak

Why is it over?

Incet van het Europese onderzoek There is an OEM NFC chip (Near Field Communication) that is used in various Apple products, such as iPhones and the Apple Watch. With such a chip is het mogelijk om betalingen te doen door de telephone of het horloge tegen een pinterminal aan te houden. Handily for consumers, but for Europe’s commissioner, he has a big word or two: the chip may all have been used for Apple’s own beta service, Apple Pay. This is “met afstand” ‘s were most used mobile wallets, concludes the Europese Commission.

If Apple decides that other betalingsbedrijven such as banks of PayPal are built, the Europese Commission states in a declaration. Bedrijven of banks have the right tree to go tot the NFC chip, but they have to use Apple Pay. A clant van bijvoorbeeld ING can dus wel een betaling done via zijn iPhone, Apple Watch or zelfs iPad, maar het betekent also dat in dit geval ING a little request aan Apple moet betalen.

What is the problem then?

The biggest problem is due to the Commission that Apple’s proposed innovation. Competing from Apple Pay with vernieuwende ideas two Apple-apparaten nu left later liggen met as a result of the consumed uiteindelijk less keuze heeft. Responsible for the European commissaris Margrethe Vestager van Mededinging legde maandag in een toelichting de nadruk op de snel groeiende rol van mobiele betalingen in our digital economy. “It is important that consumers can benefit from a competition in an innovative betaling landscape”, Aldus Vestager.

The connection to NFC technology is unique to Apple. Also on other modern smartphones, the same chips are found, bijvoorbeeld on the Galaxy van unfortunately Samsung. Deze phones are available on Google’s Android besturing system.

With Android phones, software manufacturers are more likely to use the NFC chip. This money is not available for all apps from the banks in Zelf, but also for bijvoorbeeld or in the check in the open bar before. We would like Apple to use an NFC chip for non-financial services such as the use of chips that are located in the area. This can be done with the DigiD app.

What are the arguments from Apple?

There are talks that the Apple chip is not open to others, competing mobile wallets are said to be less secure than they are, but there is a reason for the commission to say: “Ons account heeft tot op heden geen bewijs opgeleverd dat zou kunnen wijzen op een dergelijk hoger veiligheidsrisico .” Apple remains true in a declaration that Android phones are less secure without having an NFC chip open for other purposes.

What is it that can be done?

For Apple it is not the first in Europe to offer the three ways of overriding competing rules. Other possible military orders are made with one of the concurrents in the market for the streaming of music and e-books. Also here you can see the market position misused for your own services for the trek.

De Europese Commissie gaat nu nader onderzoek doen. When the Apple inderdaad de medingingsregels heeft been damaged, the techreus can now offer a boat that can oplopen tot 10 percent van de jaaromzet (in 2021 365 million dollars).

Concurrently Google will overigens dat de Europese right een streep zet door een boat van 1.49 million euros the het Amerikaanse techbedrijf three years gegeden van de Europese Commission kreeg vanwege het voortrekken van zijn own advertentiedienst AdSense ten opzichte van other advertentieverkopers. A hearing at the court, on the basis of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, started in May and lasted three days.
