The new variant of the known Hendra virus is found in the air | medical

In the urine of Australische muizen and vliegen vossen is a new variant of the Hendra virus, a dodelijk virus dat door muizen wordt overdrawn, ontdekt, dat blijkt uit a new study. The virus is called for by couples, but also for men. The study, according to the results published in the paper ‘Emerging Infectious Diseases’, now suggests that the new variant has the potential to increase geographical risk and that the available numbers can act as spreaders.

Het Hendra virus is due to the Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie een opkomende infectieziekte that previously encountered couples. Also people can be hit by the infection, but that is not the case. In both cases, the infection can cause serious damage, which in serious cases tot de dood suffers. At the moment, the Hendra virus hit dead Australia, because it was broken before it was around Brisbane in the east of Queensland.

The symptoms of the virus vary, from classic sickly symptoms to fatal respiratory problems and neurological conditions. The most appropriate method that is available at the moment is when the Hendra virus is present, is a dierenvaccin when it is spread via pairs and is then overdrafted by people.

New variant

In het most recent event, that was carried out by a same work of wetenschappers van verschillende settings in heel Australië, were sent to a recent spread of a new variant of the Hendra virus with some grandchildren in New South Wales. Het couple overleed, terwijl het wel negatief tested op het virus. A test that was adapted for the new variant, HeV-g2 named, delivered a positive test result op. Onderzoekers indicate that there is an overeenkomst van 99 per cent vast.

For the last four years, other zoekers urine monsters van vliegen Vossen door a sheet onder de slaapplaatsen van de dieren in Queensland te leggen. In total, more than 4,500 pooled urine monsters are locked up and there are now 1,674 monsters of individual open muizen tijdens vangstsessies. Op the manner condenses ze de aanwezigheid van het Hendra virus. The team used a different qRT-PCR analysis method from the new variant that can be used. The other zoekers ontdekten de nieuwe variant in verschillende monsters van meerdere soorten vliegen vossen, what suggests that the variant reeds wijdverpreid you can zijn in de populaties en a duidelijk risico op overdraagbaarheid you can inhouden.

Geographically, there is a spread

Het also added to that de variant nu geographic spread is then tot nu toe bekend what, en dat de variant nauwlettender in het oog been gehouden om de richtsnoeren voor dierenverzorging te verbeteren en zo gevallen bij mensen te vorkomen.

The other zoekers hope now that there is more than one diagnostic system can be implemented on the spread of the Hendra virus variants to be controlled, because of the dodelijkheid en het gebrek aan behandelingsmogelijkheden indien het virus op mensen zou overslaan.
