7 tips to better cope with the diagnosis of dementia (also for carers)

Dragonfly together with Alzheimer Netherlands

1 in 5 people develop dementia, and in women this is even 1 in 3. This means that almost everyone will have to deal with the disease, herself or in her environment. Many questions arise around the diagnosis: what can you expect? What phases are there? And what needs to be arranged? These tips will help you cope better with the diagnosis of dementia, if it happens to you or if you are a caregiver.

Dementia is a collective name for more than 50 different diseases. Alzheimer’s is one of the shapes of dementia and is the most common.

1. Share with the environment

Dementia is a disease you can’t do anything about. So you don’t have to keep the diagnosis a secret. In fact, if you share the diagnosis with the people closest to you, they can take it into account. And they can help you, if you want. Try to clearly indicate what you expect from them and also let them know what you do not want.

2. A dementia case manager

After the diagnosis, thousands of questions come to you. How fast will everything go? And what does this mean for your relationships? It is also difficult to find your way through all the laws, regulations and available care. For example, what about work? And can you continue to live at home? From your basic insurance you are entitled to: a dementia case manager, a permanent supervisor who can help you and your loved ones with all these questions. He or she guides you through the entire process and also helps to properly divide the care between you. You can ask your GP for a dementia case manager.

3. Room for changing relationships

Dementia also impacts your relationships. There is a good chance that you will need care from your partner and/or child(ren), and it will be difficult for your loved ones to experience the disease process up close. These changes are confrontational. Try to talk about this with each other and do not avoid the emotions. You can compare it a bit with mourning: grief needs a place, and that can only be done by allowing it and processing it.

4. Social and active

Regular exercise and healthy eating is good for everyone. This can also make a difference for people with dementia. By staying active, you are less likely to deteriorate and it also makes you feel better about yourself. A healthy lifestyle also includes being socially active. Do you like walking or cycling? Or are you a member of an association? Then go ahead with that.

5. Meeting fellow sufferers

Meeting people who are going through the same thing as you can be a great support. In the Netherlands there are 290,000 people with dementia. You can get in touch with fellow sufferers in various ways, for example by an Alzheimer Café or meeting point near you to visit. Caregivers can also come here.

6. Precious Moments

Dementia makes everyday activities more and more difficult. Think, for example, of in-depth conversations with your partner, or doing puzzles with the (grand) children. That is confronting and sad, but it does give extra reason to get the most out of life now. Make beautiful memories together and record them, for example, in a photo book. This way you can always look back on these precious moments.

7. Capture wishes

There will come a time when you are no longer able to make choices about healthcare or money matters. To prevent this, you can go to the notary arrange a power of attorney or make a living will. With a power of attorney you only record your money matters. Other personal wishes are also recorded in a living will, for example regarding care. It is important to arrange this on time, because you competent must be. The notary will then assess whether you are able to make well-considered decisions.

Diagnosis of dementia, what now?

If you or your loved one are diagnosed with dementia, there is a lot at stake. Alzheimer Nederland is happy to help you. On the platform of the organization you will find all the answers to your questions. You can also get in touch with others here and request the free information packwith useful tips, information and experiences.

August 4, 2022
