Winter Games in Beijing: Swiss Feuz wins downhill gold

Yanqing (AP) – The Swiss ski racer Beat Feuz won the gold medal in the downhill at the Olympic Winter Games in China.

The 34-year-old world champion from 2017 had a lead of 0.10 seconds over Frenchman Johan Clarey. Matthias Mayer from Austria took bronze (+0.16).

The race was overshadowed by a serious crash by German Dominik Schwaiger. The 30-year-old from Schönau slipped into a safety net and was later taken away in a rescue sled. “Forearm injury” was the first diagnosis.

The other German starters did finish, but could not intervene in the fight for the medals. Romed Baumann was the best DSV athlete in 13th place. He was followed by Andreas Sander in 17th place and Josef Ferstl in 23rd place. The next race for the men with the Super-G is already on Tuesday.


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