Well-known YouTuber Acid openly denounces Reuzegommers, lawyers “bewildered” | InstagramHLN

“We are going to exhibit people!” With that statement, the well-known YouTuber Acid posted a video online this afternoon in which he promised to share the names and photos of five Reuzegommers. Two of them were not even involved in Sanda Dia’s death.

Acid – real name Nathan Vandergunst – has 527,000 subscribers on YouTube, but anyone can watch his videos. The one about the Reuzegommers was played 36,000 times in three hours.

In his new video, Acid says that the community service and fines that the suspects in the Sanda Dia case received are not enough and that he wants to “cancel” them. He also wants to show their influential parents. Remarkable: at the beginning of the video he shows three governors who have nothing to do with the case and politicians such as Bart Tommelein and Jean-Marie Dedecker.


“The media is (sic) afraid of them. Not me. I’m going to pick five people from Reuzegom and give a little info about them, tell stories about them, tell them how dark they are, what they’re doing now, where they are now and how their lives are going. Because 400 euros and 300 hours of community service is not enough.”

He then gives his ‘Top 5 Reuzegommers’. In the end he only names four, including the two who played a leading role during Sanda Dia’s fatal baptism: Zaadje and Janker. He also explains what their parents do exactly. The two others he names had nothing to do with the case.

Acid also shares a group photo of the Reuzegommers where everyone is recognizable and is mentioned by name.


According to ‘Het Nieuwsblad’, the lawyers of the Reuzegommers reacted with “bewilderment” to the video. There may be a judicial tail, because slander and defamation carry hefty penalties.

OVERVIEW. What punishments did the Giant Gommers receive for the fatal baptism of Sanda Dia? (+)

Brother and sister-in-law Sanda Dia respond to verdict: “Community service confronts Reuzegommers in daily life with what they have done”

LOOK. Acid does not shy away from controversy
