Volleyball, A-1 women: Casalmaggiore company, beat the leaders Monza

In Cremona Gaspari’s team recovers 2 sets of disadvantage but then they lose at the tie break. Rahimova top scorer with 30 points

Casalmaggiore-Monza 3-2 (27-25, 26-24, 18-25, 22-25, 15-12)

Closed in the forecast, very open in the development. And above all in the name of Rahimova. Casalmaggiore surprises Monza, not settling for what would have been a precious point in any case in terms of safety against the leaders, but rather beating it twice in a single match. Running up to 2-0, then sprinting again at the tie break. There is Rahimova and she is finally recovered: you notice it immediately when she starts hitting with Shcherban on both sides, putting the already uninspired defense of Monza in crisis, which attacks with 17% in the first set, a figure that says it all. Reetke pays for all, in a partial which is also a videocheck battle. The first says badly to Casalmaggiore, the next two instead launch the home squad on 23-20 and then on 24-22. But Monza returns with Stysiak on ace and Shcherban has to think about the advantages. What Casalmaggiore combines in the second set is even more sensational and, after an entire partial almost point to point, is summed up in the final rush. Davyskiba takes your breath away, Rahimova puts down a no-look point which is also the most valuable of the match, Gennari sets the 20-24 which seems to mark the 1-1. But no: Rahimova’s sensational series with a final block by Bechis are worth the 6-0 break and Casalmaggiore, who dreams of 26-24. To bring it back to earth is Stysiak, who is towering not only in stature and also allows Gennari and Stysiak to find passages. In the third set, on 11-17 White’s swan song (double ace) is not enough to bring Casalmaggiore back inside. The game has changed and now Monza plays as leaders: Orro has found the keys to the attack and from 5-10 to 15-20 Casalmaggiore does not give up but the class of Gaspari’s roster, who keeps the ball change, does the difference. The set is decided on the wall outside Rahimova on Gennari who leads everyone to the tie break. In the fifth set Casalmaggiore, who has not won at home since November 14, tries to recover his scalp and relies on Rahimova but Monza pushes back the squad until it passes from 5-7 to local 8-7. Rahimova, always her, does everything, including the wall of 13-11 that launches the Trasporti Pesanti to the bang of the weekend. And maybe the season.
