Up to 18 years in prison demanded after ‘violence spiral in which many fatalities fell’

The Public Prosecution Service has today demanded prison sentences of up to 18 years against seven men who allegedly prepared a series of murders. According to the OM, there is enough evidence against them due to decrypted messages sent via a crypto service.

This criminal case concerns an attempted murder in 2014 and seven intended murders between 2014 and 2016. In 2014, a bomb exploded under a scooter. Two men were injured, including the target of the attack. The planned murders include the plan to kill a man in Berlin in 2015.

According to the OM, the criminal organization has been fighting an underworld war with a rival group since 2012. “There have been casualties on both sides, attempts have been made to liquidate opponents or preparations have been made to do so. The men are partly responsible for a spiral of violence in the years 2014-2016 in which many fatalities occurred,” the Public Prosecution Service said.

According to the Public Prosecution Service, the group of men operated in a varying composition, but with a clear permanent core. The 33-year-old Amsterdammer who had an ‘important and coordinating role within the organization’ was demanded the highest prison sentence of 18 years. huhI would be involved in one liquidation attempt, one liquidation instigation attempt and three liquidation preparations.

From prison

A 32-year-old Amsterdammer who allegedly supplied weapons, license plates and information and observed targets was sentenced to 12 years in prison. A 38-year-old man who is already serving a 12-year prison sentence for a murder in 2012 in Antwerp is said to have directed, coordinated and prepared liquidations from prison. The Public Prosecution Service demanded 10 years in prison against him.

The other suspects who played different roles in the criminal organization were sentenced to sentences ranging from 18 months to 6 years.

The assassination plan in Berlin came in 2020, among other things iin this lawsuit discussed:
