Turkije opnieuw met door beving met kracht van 5,2: “Voorlopig geen slachtoffers” | Buitenland

The Turkish province of Niğde, in the west of the building area, is met by a new building with a force of 5.2. This is reported by the Kandilli Observatory in Istanbul.

The epicentrum van de beving was located in the district of Bor, about 350 kilometers west of the Turks-Syrian borders. Volgens de burgemeester van de stadt Niğde, Emrah Özdemir, he is still reported as a pity. Vice President Fuat Oktay laat on Twitter weten that he teams ter plaatse zijn om de toestand te beoordelen.

Others are also registered in Burlanden Syria and Iraq in the north. He from the 61 nieuwe bevingen plaats in 24 uur tijd. Het Syrian national aardbevingscentrum omschreef de Bevingen as zwak en time in an online verklaring dat de seismologische situation began to stabilize on thanks to the large area Bevingen.

In the north of Iraq he is registered because two years later, reports the Iraqi State Bureau INA. He was reported as a slaughter of a pity. De bevingen hadden een kracht van 4,3 en 4, adus de Koerdische nieuwssite Rudaw.

9,000 sweets

In Turkije zijn are vrijdagavond at least ten bevingen with a kracht van sea dan 4 registered, allus de Turkse rampenhulpdienst Afad. It is reported that there are claims of a pity. The new golf course on Aardbevingen is surrounded by sea and two waves on the devastating Aardbeving in the south of Turkije plaats. Daarbij stierven more than 50,000 people in Turkije and Syria.

On the first day of February 6th in 11 Turkse provinces the sea was registered with 9,000 children. Since then, about 173,000 buildings have been used up in about 2 million people since then, it is missing from the town of Overheid.

KIJK. B-FAST team voelt naschok in veldhospitaal: “It’s a shame”
