to execute an 18-year-old for participating in the protests

01/05/2023 at 15:02


The authorities allege that the young man was the leader of a protest in the city of Noushar and that he carried out important criminal actions

Iranian justice reported on Thursday that has sentenced an 18-year-old protester named Arshia Takdastan to death for participating in the protests that the country has been experiencing since mid-September.

This person has been “the leader of the crowd in the main square” of the city of Noushar, from Iran’s northern Mazandaran province, and has carried out “significant criminal actions in the riots,” the Iranian judiciary’s Mizan news agency said.

The judgment has been issued based on “the evidence of the case, the confessions of the defendant and his accomplices, and the reports of the bailiffs”according to the aforementioned agency, which details that Takdastan, in the messages he exchanged with his friends on social networks, states that he hit a police officer at the rallies.

“I have encouraged people and I have thrown a bottle of non-alcoholic beer and a stone towards a Toyota police car, I followed one of the policemen, I created an environment for the policemen to get scared and evacuate the square”, Takdastan confessed, according to the agency.

The Mazandar Province Court has sentenced Takdastan to death on charges of “corruption on earth and war against God”.

The protests, which currently continue in a scattered way, started in Iran in mid-September, after the death in police custody of a 22-year-old girl for wearing the Islamic headscarf incorrectly.

At least, 2,000 people have been accused by the Iranian Justice of various crimes for their participation in the mobilizationsof which two were executed in December.

According to various NGOs, More than 450 people have died in recent months in Iran in different protest demonstrations, which have been forcefully repressed by the police.
