This pulmonologist is happy with the TikTok campaign against vaping. ‘Social media play a dangerous role’

Wouter van Geffen is a pulmonologist at the MCL and sees the consequences of smoking every day. Photo: Niels Westra

“The tobacco industry is always looking for a new generation of smokers,” says Van Geffen, who is not directly involved in the campaign. The fancy The flavors and bright colors of the vape are designed to make it easier for young people to smoke, according to the pulmonologist. For example, vapes are available with flavors such as rainbow sweets and cotton candy ice. This makes young people addicted to nicotine and toxin-containing e-cigarettes. More than half of smokers die as a result of this.

Social media

“This pulmonologist is happy with the TikTok campaign against vaping. ‘Social media plays a dangerous role'”

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