‘This is just cheap scoring’

Waylon is very pissed off at Rob Goossens, one of RTL Boulevard’s regular experts. “Try to score less easily and cheaply. Would adorn you”, he bites him.


Waylon, who has been discredited because of cheating, is currently seen together with Martijn Krabbé in the TV show Better Than Ever. Rob Goossens also took a look last week, but he was quite annoyed with the singer. He comments in the BLVD Podcast one fragment in particular.

Willem Bijkerk show

Rob says that one of the candidates sang a song about cheating at one point. “Martijn then very subtly said something like: ‘Yes, of course that happens in some relationships.’ Waylon then went over it with those damn sunglasses of his: ‘Yes, forgiveness is very important.’ It also seemed like he really meant it.”

Colleague Bridget Maasland laughing: “All self-interest.”

Rob: “Yes, exactly! Then there are all those people who have not been on television for ten years and then come back once to give a performance, and yet it remains the great Willem Bijkerk show. I find it really incredible.”

Willem Bijkerk is Waylon’s real name.

Hold music

Luuk Ikink was surprised: “Yes, do you think? I don’t think so at all. Really and truly?”

Rob: “Yes, for him. Martijn is doing great and the candidates are given plenty of space, but you feel that when the candidates are speaking, Willem is playing a waiting music in his head until the moment he is allowed again. I find it really inconceivable that at such a moment you don’t just let it be about the candidates.”

Bridget: “Empathy may be a little lacking.”

Robert: “Yes.”

Waylon pissed

Waylon leaves a pissed off comment on the Instagram page from RTL Boulevard. “Piece of class journalism… Tonight again the big Willem Bijkerk show on RTL. Kiss Rob and try to score something less easy / cheap. Would you adorn. Bye!”

Many followers of Boulevard support Waylon. “And this podcast is the big Rob show… ?,” says Ilja. And Karin: “That Rob is also a horrible man with that rotten grin on his face. He has comments on everyone, terrible.”

And Marijke: “Look at yourself, Rob Goossens. What can you actually do?”


The snippet from the podcast:
