Then there is a requirement for a person (24) with the third room in Anderlecht’s Zikenhuis | Brussels

BrusselsThe actual condition was found in the Sint-Anna Sint-Remi Ziekenhuis in Anderlecht, which was then not required to be optomen in a psychiatric setting. That reports the Brusselse parket zaterdagavond.

Het parket was later referred to as a Nixon procedure (for a given opname, ed.) Started before the man, but then one day it was carried out that the rivet can be toepast been. More details hereover zijn niet known. “The drunk word tomorrow will be sent to the park,” says parketwoordvoerster Willemien Baert.

The man, the 24-year-old Hamza, had been born for the middle of the day with a number of floors for the future of the Sint-Anna Sint-Remi Ziekenhuis in Anderlecht, and there had been three plans for him to die, but there were also plans to do so. Daarbij zou hij in het Arabic “Allahu Akbar” (“God is the greatest”) geroepen hebben.

De man sold zoned slachtoffers te maken, maar de politiediensten names het threegement zeer serious and organiseerden meteen een klopjacht. Het parket van Brussel will be placed on top of the hoogte, net than all other Brusselse politiekorpsen and all ziekenhuizen in de region Brussel. Also de politie van zijn woonplaats, het Luxemburgse Martelange, will be explained.

Vrijdagavond was then packed in Sint-Joost-ten-Node. Volgens de politie lost the arrestatie zonder moeite.
