The Eurovision rules were changed

The Eurovision rules have been changed.

Joost Klein’s behavior spoke volumes in the last few years. PDO

The rules for next spring’s Eurovision have been changed largely to guarantee the artists’ well-being.

One of the new rules, or rather prohibitions, concerns exercises. In the future, Viisu artists will practice more behind closed doors, hidden from fans and the media. For many viusu fans, rehearsals have been one of the most anticipated events of the viusu.

According to Ebu, the change was made because “artists can focus on their performances without distractions”.

Another prohibition is related to photography. In the last five years, the Netherlands Joost Klein allegedly got spoiled while being photographed in the artists’ area. The Netherlands were disqualified and Klein did not appear in the final.

The case was brought up to the police, but in the end no charges were brought against Klein.

Now, it is not allowed to photograph artists at all in spaces intended for artists. Ebu’s announcement does not say what happens if the artist himself films in a filming-free area.

Viisu will also introduce a “well-being producer”, who will act as a liaison between artists and staff to ensure a “safe, respectful and encouraging environment”.

Efforts are also being made to better optimize schedules so that artists have more time to rest and enjoy the host city.

– We believe that the changes made to Basel will make Eurovision the best possible experience for our participants, our staff and the public, the new director of Eurovision Martin Green says In Ebu’s announcement.

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