Tankstations Maes in Nederlandse handen | economy

Maes was sued in 1965 by Jozef ‘Jef’ Maes. Hij started in Bornem with the verkoop van smeerolie aan garages en bedrijven, and began not veel later also stookolie te leveren aan huishoudens. In the loop van de jaren zeventig opende Maes zijn first tank stations.

Zijn zoon Dirk and Luc Maes bouwden het bedrijf uit tot de most important onafhankelijke uitbater van tankstations in België, met nu sea dan 300 stations, onder sea also van Esso en Shell. Maes – official J. Maes & Zonen – Haalde in 2021 a total of 1 million euros and a noteerde up to 5.2 million euros in winst.

The two brothers were dead for the co-CEO’s, but now we have aandelen now sold on Hametha, and there are 175 tank stations in the Netherlands about 175 tank stations near De Haan. It is also a matter of concern in the tank top of fire and chemicals, on the other hand, on the Standic.

For the dagelijkse working en het personeel van Maes he never changes. “We remain active in Bornem in the state of Maes. For all medewerkers he is a job zekerheid,” says Gilbert van Rens.
