Tag: Vlaanderen
Vlaanderen will have 60 kwetsbare Oekraïense kinderen opvangen
Het building was the children’s aanvankelijk left, will be bombarded, the children’s door will now be in school in different schools. After the approval of the Oekraïense authoritarians, the children…
Vlaanderen offers Oekraïense vluchtelingen tbc screening and vaccinations aan | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland
Vlaanderen gaat aan de Oekraïense vluchtelingen and preventive gezondheidsaanbod doen. So you can’t do any late screening for tuberculosis, you can also have late vaccines against Covid-19, mazelen-bof-rubella and difterie-tetanus-kinkhoest.…
So can a Vlaanderen with the sea be natural in 2050?
Het is 2050. In our naturally meandering waterlops, otters can spot each other. We won’t have a long journey over the heli landschap, but compact in large and aantrekkelijke cities.…
IN BEELD. Bekend Vlaanderen announces the rain for the premiere of ‘Maya in the Golden Egg’
Vandaag premiered ‘Maya en het Gouden Ei’, the new Maya film. Heel wat bekende Zakten zondagochtend af naar Kinepolis Antwerpen om kennis te maden met de derde bioscoopfilm over het…
‘In Vlaanderen there are eggs from their own week sea than we follow Europe’s norm’
As we follow the strict European norms, then it is in the Vlaanderen afstraighten om nog eieren van own kweek te eten. Not avenues in two different areas than Zwijndrecht.…
Vlaanderen snaps in the largest roomsubsidies for bedrijven: “Demir risked procedureslag for nog 40 euros per gezin”
Door te knippen in the largest room certificates wil de Vlaamse regering de elektriciteitsfactuur structureel published. Minister of Energy Zuhal Demir (N-VA) mikt daarvoor op 1.2 million euros opt tien…
Voetbal Vlaanderen is demolishing provincial borders: a maximum of 50 kilometers there and back for away matches of son or daughter. “And that is good for the clubs: there will be more derbies”
What the governments of this country cannot do, Voetbal Vlaanderen does: abolish the provinces – or at least for youth football. This means from next season that you will have…