Tag: massagraf
Massagraf met honderdduizenden doden in Syria? “Zeer, zeer extremely conservative shading”
He has a massagraf zijn op enkele tientallen kilometers ten north of the Syrian city of Damascus. This claims Mouaz Moustafa, head of the NGO Syrian Emergency Task Force, in…
Massagraf with remains of 8,000 Nazi slaughterers killed in Poland
The Nazis opened the camp in the Dzialdowo square, met a German invasion in Poland, in September 1939. It was used as a doorway and vernietigingskamp for Joden, political leaders…
“Slachtoffers bombardeerde theater Marioepol brought to massagraf” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland
Lees all over de oorlog in Oekraïne in ons dossier. In the classroom of the theater there were dozens of people who cried tonight. The local authorities show that they…