Etiket: gaat
Samenwerking tussen Rusland en Iran wordt nauwer: “Naast drones gaat Moskou now ook Iraanse raketten kopen”
Russia has a plan for ballistic missile defense missiles from Iran. The American language is written in ‘The Wall Street Journal’. The stap is not very good for the Oekraïne…
PORTRET. How is Franc Gergely, the meedogenloze Albanese clan unfortunately the vanuit Dubai over lijken gaat?
The Albanian Franc Gergely (31) has the best possible title for drug crime in Dubai and Belgium. They are available here in a Belgian cel. Gergely state declared itself as…
Kamer gaat in debate about adoption scandals within the prison: volg het hier live | Inland
KIJK. In the chamber there were many allegations of adoption scandals A total of 30,000 young people will be sold for a large amount of money in a large amount…
Trump gaat vandaag niet doneigen in Rechtbank New York | Buitenland
A right-wing government in October that Trump was given a paper on his paper and his arms were heavily overpowered. This means that there are favorable tax rates, the location…
Wallonië gaat akkoord with Belgian klimaatdoelen, Vlaanderen voorlopig niet | Inland
The European countries need an updated version of India’s energy and climate plans for the period from 2021 to 2030, with the manner in which the CO2 emissions will be…
N-VA-fractieleider reacts scherp on exit Somers: “Meester in praatjes, maar hier gaat hij niet mee get wegkomen”
The decision of Bart Somers to receive his mandate as a Flemish minister was not given to the Burgemeester of Mechelen, but the opposition parties in the Thuisstad of Mechelen…
Britse toezichthouder gaat AI-chatbot van Snapchat mogelijk verieden | multimedia
Snapchat risks a connection to its chatbot My AI in the United Kingdom. The function works with artificial intelligence (AI) in front of a British data monitor, the Information Commissioner’s…
Opvallend: Regering-Biden gaat Trumps muur op grens met Mexico uitbreiden
The United States has walls and greens in Mexico. This was reported to be a direct line for the government of Joe Biden, who was in charge of the building…
ING gaat oudere werknemers betalen om thuis te blijven | plant
Concreet houdt de maatregel in dat oudere werknemers van ING kunnen intekenen op een vrijwillige Vertrekregeling waarbij ze 60 to 80 per cent van hun loon blijven ontvangen tot aan…
Na de surfing dogs, de surfing slang: Australian krijgt boete nadat hij met zijn python gaat surfen | Bizarre
An Australian has a delivery from omgerekend 1,400 euros that has a video viraal went waarin hij al surfend te zien is… met zijn python rond zijn nek. Located in…