Tag: clenched
Machine Gun Kelly jumps up with his fists clenched as Fan comes on stage
“Leave me the fuck alone,” he says to the man who runs towards him on the stage. At the Forbes’ Under 30 Summit, Machine Gun Kelly actually wanted to talk…
One hundred women put their hands, with clenched fists, in their pockets: ‘We are this image’ | Interior
She would be a profiteer. Unmotivated, without work and on benefits. She was already called Bep Bijstand. The criticism of the image of the black woman on Nikes for Rotterdam…
VVD member Daniel Koerhuis clenched his fists around his glass of water, his only grip on an Op1 table full of incomprehension
Arno HaijtemaMay 3, 202213:58 Do you think you put the word ‘people’s party’, which forms the core of the VVD, in the spotlight, you will come to Monday On 1…
Russian military convoy feared: ‘Putin enters Kiev with clenched fist’ | Abroad
Premium The best of De Telegraaf Through Emile Kossen Updated 31 min ago32 min ago in ABROAD Satellite images of the tens of kilometers long Russian military convoy. Ⓒ EPA…