RTL Boulevard star wants more respect for men with small roots

RTL Boulevard star Eric de Munck wants more respect for men with small roots. “We completely ignore the pain and the enormous feeling of shame,” said the television star.


Eric de Munck is a carefully built man and it bothers him that people always treat gentlemen with little ones with such disdain and condescension. According to him, there is a hyperfocus on height. “The well-endowed man is the tough guy and anyone with a smaller size can sit in a corner and cry,” he said in an interview. column.

‘Believe me’

According to Eric, the perception is that small specimens are ‘ugly, not desirable and something to be ashamed of’. “You hardly see them (or just don’t see them at all) in films and series, big d*cks have been overrepresented since the year of jug.”

Eric emphasizes that there are more average young gentlemen than great ones. “And news flash: sometimes the young gentleman turned out to be a little smaller than most. Or considerably smaller. As a man, that’s really no fun, believe me“, admits the show expert from RTL Boulevard.

‘That does not help’

According to Eric, there is a lot of hypocrisy when it comes to small men. “Continuing to spread the word to the world that everyone is equal and we should respect every body, but extremely hypocritically saying shameful and ugly things about measly dicks.”

Eric even heard someone say that men with little ones shouldn’t date. “Or: ‘Yes, if he has a little one, he can do it for once, but he will never be wedding material.’ Real boosts for your self-confidence. About one thing that you can do or change absolutely NOTHING about.”

Stupid idea

This must come to an end, Eric decides. “Everyone is allowed to have and express their preferences, whatever. But by openly attacking boys for the size of their penises, we are not just adhering to a hugely old-fashioned and stupid idea of ​​masculinity.”

Eric hopes to break a taboo with this. “We completely ignore the pain and enormous sense of shame that can arise in an individual. (…) You can be that one push that takes his already low self-esteem in a completely different direction. And that is almost never the right thing.”
