Rob Geus wants Tom Waes to suffer financially after a drunken accident

Rob Geus wants Tom Waes to suffer financially from the drunken accident he caused. The former judge wants the Flemish to dock. “It is deeply sad.”

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Tom Waes is under a lot of fire because his serious car accident in Antwerp – he himself was seriously injured, the driver of an arrow car was slightly injured – turned out to be caused by a much too high blood alcohol level. By getting behind the wheel while drunk, he knowingly risked the lives of people on the road.

Drunk on the road

Recover all costs from him, says former SBS 6 star Rob Geus. “Yes. It is deeply sad that this has happened. Even his son was driven from the Netherlands to the hospital in Antwerp under supervision. Who does that happen to? I also have my doubts about that,” he says as part of the panel of prominent figures Story.

He believes that both the Dutch and Flemish governments should send invoices to Tom. “If you deliberately get behind the wheel while drunk, you can also bear the costs. It is a very bad thing.”

Buttocks burns

Hit singer Ronnie Tober also wants Tom to pay. “Yes. Alcohol and driving don’t go together. Whoever burns his buttocks must sit on the blisters. So then he has to pay all costs in terms of police, fire brigade, repair of the road surface and the like.”

“He consciously took a risk. He’s lucky he didn’t kill anyone. That haunted him all his life.”
