Rita Niemi-Manninen received a surprising question from her daughter

Welfare coach Rita Niemi-Manninen’s motherhood has been the best time of her life, but she still wants to stay realistic.

Rita Niemi-Manninen emphasizes that raising children is not an easy task. Atte Kajova

Wellness coach and media person Rita Niemi-Manninen42, tells his Instagram followers about the moment he received a very surprising question from his daughter Donna.

– Mother, why don’t you want another baby, there was a child’s question.

Niemi-Manninen says that she has not talked about the topic with her daughter before.

– I couldn’t answer him anything. I went quiet. Suddenly I didn’t have a decent answer to the little wonderer … I just said, “Yeah …” and stroked my back.

– At that moment, the idea was suddenly so beautiful. Pregnancy, the beginning of a new miracle, it is so beautiful, Niemi-Manninen ponders in her long writing.

Although the idea of ​​pregnancy and a small baby evokes warm thoughts, Niemi-Manninen also highlights the other side of the matter and how difficult it was to explain this to a small child.

– But how do you explain to a small person that there is a huge responsibility in a new person, that while a small baby is the most wonderful thing in the world, baby and toddler time is really exhausting, it requires helping hands, stretching, flexibility, endurance …

He points out that this is often not talked about properly.

– Always asked that because of another baby? When should you ask if you are ready for a baby? Are you ready for huge sleep debts, minimizing your own freedom, and are you ready for the quarrels with a partner that sheer fatigue causes? Are you ready to work and create a career so you can offer your child a life without financial hardship, he asks.

Niemi-Manninen states that these things are not always easy to think about, especially before the first child. Motherhood has been the best time of her life, but the woman still wants to stay realistic.

– Oh, I wish it was all so pink. Johan would probably have his third child in the order here as well. And don’t get me wrong now, the best time of my life has still been motherhood. I just want to be realistic.

At the end of her publication, Niemi-Manninen praises her own grandmother and also expresses her respect for all parents.

– How in the world, for example, has my late grandmother managed to raise 11 children ??! And note, grow! There is a big difference between making children and raising children, he emphasizes.

– Big respect for a loved one Pearl-grand there on the edge of the cloud and a big hat-raising for all mothers, fathers, small and bigger families, we parents are iron, Niemi-Manninen praises.

You can view the full publication below or from here.
