Risk of collapse at five buildings after fire in empty shop building

After the devastating fire that destroyed an empty shop building on Steenstraat in Boxmeer on Thursday evening, the municipality warns of the risk of collapse at five adjacent buildings. That is why the area has been cordoned off. The Steenstraat is located in the middle of the shopping area in the center of Boxmeer.

The fire in the building where the Van Dartel cigar factory and Hoogland furniture store used to be located broke out around eight o’clock in the evening. The back of this building collapsed in the fire.

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There was some talk that the fire would have released asbestos, but according to the municipality this is not the case.

The danger of collapse that the municipality warns of would concern the five buildings with house numbers 24, 26, 30, 32 and 34.

The building that went up in flames on Thursday evening had been empty for some time. The fire attracted a lot of attention.

READ ALSO: Building collapses during major fire in the center of Boxmeer
