Report from VN experts about the following climate change goedgekeurd | Buitenland

Afgevaardigden van bijna 200 Landen zondag het nieuwe report van het UN climate expert panel (IPCC) over the following van de klimaatverandering goedgekeurd. The well-being that will be expected has been announced in advance, so the IPCC reports on Twitter.

The leden van het IPCC were 14 February in a teleconference eighth slotted your onderhandeld over de inhoud van het rapport. Because of this, the climatic controllers are used in the context of the climate change, our warm-up weather and the manners that exist between men and women can be adapted to the warming conditions. Het was de bedoeling om het document vrijdag al goed te keuren, maar de discussions hebben long aansleept. “The conclusions are drawn from the biggest concerns about the decision that was made about it”, IPCC-voorzitter Hoesung Lee said two weeks before the start of the opening ceremony.

Het last report, that previous weeks were changed, the description of the alarm end as soon as the climate change occurs in the middle of the voltage. In the coming twin year, the number of 1.5 degrees of opwarming could be declared. Door de uitstoot van CO2 and other broeikasgassen heeft de mens de temperature op aarde volgens het IPCC al gemiddeld met 1.1 graad doen stijgen.
