Press statement: ‘Mitteldeutsche Zeitung’ on fake reviews on the Internet

HALLE (dpa-AFX) – “Mitteldeutsche Zeitung” on fake reviews on the Internet:

“Holidaycheck, one of the largest portals for hotel reviews in this country, has been fighting against fakes for a long time. With success: the company Goldstar Marketing has now been ordered to pay damages in court. Sounds good, but the verdict will most likely not be enforced. Criminal companies operate from abroad and are so hard to believe. And it will get much worse: With so-called generative language models that work with artificial intelligence, it will soon be possible to produce millions of very credible evaluations fully automatically. At the current status, it is hardly imaginable to achieve this. It is becoming increasingly clear how the Internet becomes a place of manipulation and fraud.”/yyzz/DP/he
