PERPLX supports young artists | Focus and WTV

PERPLX supports young artists

At various locations in Kortrijk and Marke, including the Budascoop, young talent showed this weekend how well they can juggle or throw knives. PERPLX has grown into more than the annual circus festival in the summer. Throughout the year, it facilitates residencies or co-productions where or with which young makers can work on their performances. After that, they also provide a stage to show those creations to the world, such as on Vitrine PERPLX.

Brothers Simon and Vincent Bruyninckx are two of the lucky ones who have entered the project. With ‘Bit By Bit’ they bring an acrobatic and honest show. Connected to a mouthpiece and a rope, they balance each other a few meters above the stage. For the unadulterated top sport, they start to warm up three hours before the start of the performance. The public also looked with open mouth at the arts of the impressive brothers.
