Paris Hilton dreams of twins

Paris Hilton talks about her child dreams in a podcast.

Paris Hilton and Carter Reum told each other the will in November 2021. AOP

Socialist celebrity Paris Hilton, 41, reveals details of her childhood dreams in The Bella Podcast.

Hilton and her husband Carter Reum have now been married for about six months. Hilton said in January that the couple has begun a process of in vitro fertilization.

– I just can’t wait to get started with family life, Hilton says in the podcast.

Paris Hilton and Carter at the Reum Grammy Awards. AOP

The social beauty and Reum have been talking about their shared childhood dreams since the first months of their relationship. It was clear to both from the beginning that they wanted children together.

Hilton says the couple dreams of about three or four children. They especially hope to have twins.

– I’d like twins. I would like a girl and a boy, but you can never know what’s going on.

– That would be really great, but it would also be wonderful to have twin girls because I love girls, Hilton adds.

The spectacle-like wedding of Hilton and Rheum in November lasted four days and was held in three different parts. Hilton wore six different wedding dresses at the wedding. The most expensive dress cost Hilton about 22,000 euros.

Source: People

Paris Hilton on the red carpet in November 2019.
