Oil exporting countries agree to minuscule production increase in September | Economy

Within the organization of oil exporting countries OPEC+, agreement has been reached on a very limited increase in production in September. An additional 100,000 barrels per day are provided. The organization announced this on Wednesday.

OPEC+ unites OPEC countries and allies such as Russia. The ministers of those countries voted in an online meeting on Wednesday to the proposal to provide an additional 100,000 barrels per day. It is one of the smallest production increases in the history of the organization.

The decision will therefore provide additional supplies to the tight market, but the increase is at a much slower pace than in recent months. More than 600,000 additional barrels per day were promised for July and August.

The 23-country alliance would distribute the increase equally among its members, delegation members report to the financial news agency Bloomberg. In recent months, only Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates had achieved the production increase, leaving only a fraction of the promised increase reaching the global market.


The US and other western countries have repeatedly asked the oil-exporting countries to open the floodgates on several occasions in recent months. Increased production should allow to curb inflation, fueled by high energy prices.

The OPEC decision to keep it at a negligible increase is therefore regarded by experts as a defeat for the White House. US President Joe Biden had increased the pressure in July with a visit to controversial Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. Saudi Arabia is seen as the actual leader of the oil organization.
