Nynke Houwing appointed temporary alderman in Aa and Hunze

VVD politician Nynke Houwing from Nieuw-Weerdinge has been officially appointed alderman in the municipality of Aa en Hunze. The city council unanimously approved her appointment tonight.

Houwing temporarily replaces her fellow party member Bas Luinge, who has been at home sick since the beginning of April. He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in early April and is taking sick leave.

The two other aldermen and mayor Hiemstra took over Luinge’s duties over the past two months. The appointment means that the board of Aa en Hunze is back at full strength.

Houwing is a familiar face in Drenthe municipal politics. Until last year she was alderman in the municipality of Borger-Odoorn and before that she held the same position in Emmen. In the latter municipality she was a member of the municipal council for the VVD for many years.

VVD party chairman Richard Heling said during tonight’s council meeting that he is happy that Houwing wants to step in. Heling also said that Luinge is now doing better, but that the alderman still has problems with his sight.

In principle, the new alderman will take over from Luinge for sixteen weeks. An alderman may extend his or her sick leave for a maximum of three times by sixteen weeks.
