Now the member of Portion Boys, who has become the target of online hate, is speaking out

JaloTiina, a member of Portion Boys, which is part of UMK, has been subjected to severe online bullying. Now he comments on the matter himself.

JaloTiina’s bullying on the internet has become fierce. Antti Nikkanen

Iltalehti reported on Thursday, January 26, how one of the members of the Portion Boys group, which is participating in the New Music competition, JaloTiinahas become a victim of serious online bullying.

The band published an article on their Instagram page, in which they strongly condemned JaloTiinaa.

– What is really wrong with these people? This is our band, our team, we do things together as a team, make our own decisions and don’t need advice from others on how we do things.

Now JaloTiina, who has become the center of bullying, ie Tiina Forsby has also taken a stand on the case on his own Instagram page. In his writing, he published comments that have been written about him online. The insults made bandmates and social media followers rub their eyes.

You can also read the post from here.

– However, since dozens of screenshots and also private messages have been sent to me from behind fake profiles, I thought I would now show you the style in which my role is questioned (comments written completely word for word, nothing has been added or deleted), Forsby begins.

In the comments, the woman’s role in the band is insulted as “satisfier” and how her stage function is “spreading the ass”.

– There must be a lot going on in the back room when the motivation is maintained, one of the rude comments goes.

Forsby lists dozens of comments in which her femininity or position in the band is belittled and sexualized. He writes how he would never have imagined that he would be the subject of such harsh comments because of UMK.

– I will still be there on Logomo’s stage at the end of February, whether you haters like it or not. Fortunately, this problem is yours, not mine.

Portion Boys competes at UMK with their song YLE / Nelli Kentät

Followers were shocked

The publication’s comment field has been filled with comments supporting Forsby. Among other things, musician Erika Vikman commented on the post:

– You are a wonderful person, radiating positive feminine energy around you. You are part of your band’s truly amazing success story. Femininity, the fact that you don’t diminish yourself and success in the same package is poison for many! We are now working hard for the fact that sometimes things will be different! Dear Tina! Vikman wrote.

Also the 2021 BB winner Jasmin horrified by Forsby’s treatment. He says that he himself has had his share of misogynistic comments.

– Misogyny is alive and well! It is of course unforgivable if a woman lets her own personality come out, achieve things and dreams. Dress and look exactly the way you want. But help me, when a man does this, he is “a brat of brats and a tough guy”, he writes.
