After a number of adjustments, the Kleine Spoorbanen in Hilversum reopened early this morning. Thanks to these adjustments, only cyclists and pedestrians can now use this level crossing.
The transition between the Koninginneweg and the Noorderweg is in the top 10 of most unsafe level crossings according to ProRail, and this had several causes. The railway crossing connected two intersections, allowing cars, cyclists and pedestrians to cross each other in a variety of ways. In addition, the closed railway barriers caused the surrounding roads to regularly fill up.
This will change from today, because the railway crossing is no longer accessible to cars. For some drivers, this still takes some getting used to.
Enthusiastic responses
The plans surrounding the railway crossing have caused quite a stir in Hilversum in recent years. Nevertheless, traffic controller Hakim El Hamdaoui, who has been at the renovated crossing since a quarter to five this morning, has received mainly positive reactions. “Children responded so enthusiastically that I thought they had won the World Cup. They had to take a detour for a while,” he says. In the past few hours he has only had to point out the new car-free situation to one motorist.
Like a malfunction
Not everything went smoothly today. Three people are working on the first fault. One of the railway barriers does not open at the right time. The flexible poles, which ensure that emergency services can use the transition by driving over the poles, also cause problems. Three of the four drive-over posts have now been placed, and a temporary post is now located where the fourth would be.
Finally, a wheelchair user said he bounced over the tracks: “I also see cyclists bumping, but with us all parts probably fly off the wheelchair.”
At the end of the afternoon the traffic controllers leave, and according to Hakim the traffic situation is clear enough to get out independently.