“Nick Schilder is acting very suspicious, Men’s Health cover fake?”

Nick Schilder is behaving very suspiciously around the presentation of his own Men’s Health cover, noted Private star journalist Jan Uriot. “I mistrust a lot, but so does this.”

© Men’s Health (l), YouTube (r)

After Simon Keizer, Nick Schilder has now also scored his own Men’s Health cover. Where he showed a fairly modest torso in the Lago di Beau program last month, Nick is now suddenly completely taut with muscles. And Private star journalist Jan Uriot finds that a bit strange.

Jan distrusts Nick

Jan mistrusts it all a bit, he says in his column What does Jan think?† “I mistrust a lot, but so does this. Look, our reporter Max is talking to him. Then I think: if you’re talking… Mart Hoogkamer, for example, would have thrown that shirt up and he would say: ‘Look, this is it.’ But he doesn’t.”

There is something strange going on around Nick and his six pack, according to Jan. “He hasn’t done it in other programs either and then I think: I don’t trust it. You believe this is his?!”

Attention seeker

In any case, it is a bit of an attention grab on Nick’s part to be half naked on the cover of Men’s Health, Jan thinks. The Privé star points out that he has also lost a lot of weight, but does not immediately ask for a cover.

Jan: “I myself have lost ten kilos in four weeks and I don’t have to be on the cover of anything. It’s a bit like: look at us, huh?”


The Telegraaf interview with Nick in which he keeps his shirt on:


The cover of Men’s Health with swooning celebrities like Wendy van Dijk, Britt Dekker and Shelly Sterk in the comments:


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