Neuendorf surprised by Watzke’s criticism of the youth reform: “Take your own decisions seriously”

Quote from thonima

Quote from DerJogi

You don’t have to agree with Watzke, but generalizing his behavior based on his skin color and age is a stupid killing argument. But you also don’t seem to know that generalizations that people attribute to certain characteristics or behavior based on group membership is discrimination.
The fact that others still have to think that one should ensure that such statements should not be spread reflects how some people refuse to have other opinions.
I didn’t say anything about “woke” or “left-green sleaze”, and I don’t feel the need to go to such a level as you do, to put someone in a political corner just because you can’t think of any arguments. I don’t agree with Mr. Watzke either and find his statement too exaggerated. However, it doesn’t have to mean that there is only one correct solution to the issue and that you can’t say anything against it.

How do you discriminate against exactly this majority in a country where white, old men make up the majority?
You simply haven’t understood the word discrimination yet. Watzke is not discriminated against by this designation.
On the one hand, there is age discrimination, but there is, for example: You are 65, you are no longer allowed to work because the employer thinks you are too old.
Not available here.
There can be discrimination against whites, but only in a society where they are not the majority and are therefore excluded from participation.
Not available here.
There can be discrimination against men. I don’t have to explain it too, do I? Because here men are just as privileged as white and old people.
Not available here either

Watzke gets the name here that was created exactly for people like him, a privileged, old, white man after he himself behaved in exactly the same way:
– he no longer has to work in youth football or play himself
– he doesn’t listen to people who have been working in youth football for years or researching sports science
– He agrees to a change and then switches to the opponent’s side when it is decided

By the way, I wouldn’t think of this term for similarly privileged, white, old men like Arnold Schwarzenegger, because despite his age, skin color and privileges, he doesn’t behave like that, but on the contrary, even at 76, he still responds to counter-arguments and learns from them.
So much for “discrimination.”

There is also a nice article in the SZ

I’m sorry that you have such a worldview. If we’ve reached the point where the opinions of “old white men” don’t count, then we can’t help you either.
Your argument that you can’t discriminate against people when they are the majority in society is simply racist. According to your logic, that would mean that every majority can be generalized.
All I can say about the pinned article is that it’s racist diarrhea from intellectuals who didn’t pay attention in history class. The mere idea of ​​projecting this onto Germany is laughable.
You know, I think the idea of ​​white privilege is absolutely reprehensible, and it’s not because white people aren’t privileged. But because most people have all kinds of privileges.
But the idea that you can assign collective crime or guilt to an ethnic group, regardless of the innocence or guilt of the individual members of that group, is absolutely nothing more racist than that.
If you want to move outside of this bubble, you should find out about the kulaks.
The kulaks were farmers in the Soviet Union in the 1920s who were very productive.
They were the most productive element of the agricultural classes in Russia and they were virtually all killed or raped and robbed by the collectivists who insisted that because they showed signs of wealth they were criminals.
The consequences of the persecution of the kulaks were a series of prosecutions that resulted in the deaths of six million Ukrainians from famine in the 1930s. The idea of ​​collective guilt at the individual level as a legal or philosophical principle is dangerous.
It’s exactly the kind of danger that people who really want trouble would push forward.
And a cursory look at 20th century history should teach anyone who wants to know exactly how unacceptable that is.
All I can say about Arnold Schwarzenegger, I hope, is that he no longer has the same worldview that he had in his younger years.
