Municipal elections / Ernest Maragall calls in Les Corts to recover the Bruc barracks, “kidnapped by the State”

The Republican candidate for mayor of Barcelona, Ernest Maragall, has reviewed this Sunday noon the needs of a district that he knows well, because resided for years. From the 32 public apartments built in 17 years, to the next arrival of the Hospital Clínic, on the grounds of the university slopes. A health complex that will ‘stretch’ the urban hustle and bustle of Avenida Diagonal almost, already, to the limit of the freeway. But above all, Les Corts contains one of the obsessions shown by Maragall, the Bruc barracks.

Already on the bus ride on Saturday, the mayor dedicated a large chapter of his explanations to the five hectares of land, half of the Sant Pau Hospital compound. “The mansion of Bruc is a state kidnapping to this district and to Barcelona”, he declared.

Pact Policy

Maragall once again regretted being “the only one who wants to focus the debate on the city.” “Others will not tell you about Bruc,” he said, before pointing out that the debate on post-election pacts seemed obscene to those of us in this city. Ada Colau and Xavier Trias they are competing to see who agrees with Jaume Collboni“. A Trias, he pointed out, who “intends to recover the Convergence of 3%”, recovering the immortal sentence of his brother Pasqual, when he was ‘president’. The ‘you have a problem and it is diu 3%’.

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In any case, Maragall asserted that he was not involved in the marketing of chairs and power. “I will not agree if it is not a name of a project, of concrete measures”.

Finally, he still had time, in the Plaza de las Comas, to respond, again to Trias. As he argued, he had heard the post-convergent say more or less that ‘without tourism, Barcelona would starveand’. Maragall, indignant, asked him if “doesn’t Barcelona have the prospect of building a knowledge economy?”
