“Maybe the fox is in the hole”

The party of the Temptation Island Suomi program ended with a joint night. Sami Kuronen questions the participants about the night’s events.

Reserved Mia gets closer to a single man on Temptation Island. Teemu Laitinen

On Temptation Island, host Sami Kuronen asks the participants about the events of yesterday’s party in the wee hours of the morning.

Kuronen asks for a separate reservation Mia and singleKimi to discuss further. In front of the host, Mia answers the night’s events.

– I ate a couple of teddy bears and went to bed in time, Mia says.

Mia and Kimi also spent the night together, and not just sleeping, as they said. In an open relationship with his partner Kimmon living with Mia kissed under the shared blanket with single Kim.

– It was nice to have a sleeping partner, Mia admitted to Kurone.

– Closeness always sucks, and for a couple of weeks now I’ve been sleeping on a mattress and now it’s time to go to bed, Kimi laughed.

– A little messing around and stuff like that, but then we went to bed happy. Maybe it can be, if things continue like this, then maybe the day can still come when the fox goes to the hole, Kimi later commented to the camera.

Kimi estimates that, in Temptation Island terms, “the fox can still go to the hole”. Teemu Laitinen

Also booked in the evening Sea was present, because the couple’s kissing under the blanket took place in Meri and Mia’s shared room.

Meri announced that Kim and Mia’s presence in the next bed is fine, but she decided to move her bed a little further.

– Here is this limit that cannot be crossed. They visited it then, and it was a miracle they could fit in that small bed, Meri told about the situation.

– There was a sound from there, and I said to play as if I wasn’t here, Meri continued.

Temptation Island Finland on Wednesdays at 21:00 and Thursdays at 21:40 on Nelose and Ruudu. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

NIco and Elmer, known from Temptation Island, uploaded their opinion on the couples of the new season. Inka Soveri
