Mari lost his girlfriend to a rock from an overpass

Kevin from Helmond escaped unscathed on Saturday evening when two people threw a stone from a viaduct at his car. The windshield of his car was badly damaged, but he himself is fine. It could have turned out very differently, Mari knows. His girlfriend Louise from Uden died twenty years ago after a group of boys threw a stone from a viaduct through her windshield.

Profile photo of Jan Peels

“She was driving on the A4 near Rijswijk. It happened at half past eleven at night,” says Mari. “Suddenly she got that tile through her window.” Louise died an hour and a half later in the hospital in The Hague.

“As far as I’m concerned, this is simply attempted manslaughter.”

When Mari read what happened to Kevin, he immediately thought of his deceased girlfriend. “Kevin’s car looks exactly like Louise’s. I’m surprised this still happens.” Kevin has been very lucky, he thinks. “If the stone had been a little heavier, it would have gone through the window.”

Mari thinks it is unfair that the police describe the incident as vandalism. “As far as I’m concerned, this is simply attempted manslaughter. Destruction does not do justice to what happened.”

The four men involved in Louise’s death were found guilty of murder by the judge. Two of them had to go to prison for two and two and a half years.


Boys threw a stone at the car window, Kevin escapes unscathed
