“Many people say you are racist” – Riikka Purra gets into trouble on TV

Riikka Purra has to answer schoolchildren’s tricky questions in the Luokan edo program.

Riikka Purra, the chairman of Basic Finns, will be visiting the new Luokka edi program, where elementary school students will be able to ask the party leader who comes to the front of the class, according to their name, witty questions.

During a slightly different election exam, schoolchildren ask Purra about vegetarianism and criticism of immigration. Purra defends vegetarianism in his speech, as he himself has been a vegetarian for decades.

Light topics stay inside, while the one sitting on the desk Hulda ask a tough question.

– What do you mean by being critical of immigration?

Purra explains to the children that the reason behind the basic Finns’ criticism of immigration is not that they don’t “like foreigners”.

– That’s not what it means. Being critical of immigration is related to the fact that in our country we have to think about how the basic starting point for Finnish policies is to take care of Finns and this country.

He continues how the party has nothing against foreign people, since they behave as they should live in Finland.

Also another schoolboy Hugowants to know where the party’s reputation as racists comes from.

– Many call you basic Finns racists. What would you say to them?

Heaves a sigh and calmly continues.

– I would tell them that we are not racists.

It also gets up from the desk Benjamin’s hand and he expresses his concern for the Ukrainian refugees. That’s why he has to ask Purra a direct question.

– How would it feel to be a refugee?

In front of the class on Nelose on Thursdays at 8 p.m. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

Rikka Purra was a guest on Iltalehti’s Suoraan isi program with Petteri Orpo.
