Maastricht has a record number of parties: what to choose? † 1Limburg

A record number of political parties participate in these municipal elections in Maastricht. Residents of Maastricht can choose from 23 parties, which have 39 seats to allocate. There are currently 15 parties in the council, 7 of which are one-man factions.

Two of the participating parties are the Safe Maastricht Party and GroenLinks. Two parties that have been at odds with each other in recent years, and seemed to agree on little.

chauvinist party
Tiny Meese, party leader and leader of the PVM: “We are a chauvinist party, a local party. We go for everything in Mestreech: The Flame of Minckelers, the Benny Neymanstraat, the mainland. Everything that lives locally, there we go in front of.”

Meese’s party has been on the council for twelve years, as an opposition party. GroenLinks is in the council with alderman Gert-Jan Krabbendam, who is the party leader on behalf of the party. His party focuses on sustainability in these elections, and therefore has a completely different focus than PVM. Krabbendam: “Now that Putin is at the controls of our gas prices, it is once more clear why we should cut our homes off gas and invest even more in it. Sustainability, energy transition. That is one of our spearheads in these elections. “
