Linda de Mol is criticized in Jinek and Boulevard: ‘Again victim role!’

Linda de Mol has received considerable criticism with the preview of her long-awaited column about her role in the Voice scandal. She has been tackled in the programs Jinek and RTL Boulevard.


Self-reflection and celebrities are not the strongest combination. Eight months after Linda de Mol’s three infamous statements in which she scolded all her critics – as she called Angela de Jong ‘sad and intensely false’ – the fallen TV queen now publishes an extensive column about the Voice riot. The hand in your own bosom is again hard to find.

Angela critical

It was criticized last night in, among others, the programs Jinek and RTL Boulevard. “It is of course very safe for her to publish it on her own platform,” says the ‘intensely false’ Angela at the table at Jinek.

Angela would have thought it ‘tough’ if Linda had sat opposite Tim Hofman, but Linda says she only trusts her own medium. “Then I always think: the only medium you trust? There has been another medium that has opened up this whole cesspool, so I don’t like to say that.”

‘Once again self-pity’

Rob Goossens says in RTL Boulevard that he is disappointed in Linda. “After eight months, she’s still pretty much stuck in her self-pity. I would say: after eight months you may also be a little grateful that Tim Hofman gave you that nitwit ehhh…”

Colleague Daphne Bunskoek: “Yes, but Rob, that is an event in your life… I can imagine that after five years you still want to crawl under a rock.”

Rob: “And that it comes in waves. But she’s not a thirteen-year-old girl who was in love with the tennis teacher who doesn’t like you very much after all. I think you can pass at some point. I think eight months is quite a long time.”

Ali B cover up

Like Angela, Rob is also critical that Linda within Talpa has done nothing with her foreknowledge about the alleged misconduct of Ali B. Linda herself now hides behind the two victims who reported to her magazine. They allegedly requested strict confidentiality.

Rob: “You don’t have to break the trust of those two ladies if you go to your brother and say, ‘Listen, I hear such horrible things about Ali B. I wouldn’t have said it if it hadn’t been very serious. , but you have to be careful with that man.’ She didn’t.”


Linda has no self-reflection, says Rob. “She lashes out – more diplomatically than last time – at the people who have been critical. She is also a victim, but that does not mean that she also has a responsibility to which she can be held accountable. I still don’t see that realization after eight months and I think that’s a bit of a shame.”

The opinion site No style finds it particularly vulgar that Linda uses her column to boost the circulation of her magazine. “Yes, #MeToo is very annoying for the victims and stuff, but low circulation numbers are really bad. She uses her husband’s misbehavior to boost the circulation of her own magazine.”

And what do they actually think of it on Linda’s own SBS 6? There, the experts of Shownieuws drowned in compassion: “I think it is so special to read what it has done to her!”

No style

The article on GeenStijl:
