The 72-year-old former international was a guest at Kolping Boys in the Oudorp district of Alkmaar during ‘De Derde Helft’, a weekly meeting afternoon for elderly people from the region. The club has been opening its canteen for five years now for activities such as jeu de boules, clubbing, billiards and historical walking tours for people over 55 to stay vital.
But the football field also does not remain unused: ‘Walking Football’ is played there. The arrival of Kees Kist brought extra attention to walking football. “The intention is to get the people away from the geraniums and back onto the field. Or at least to the canteen, where there is a bit of fun,” Kist tells media partner Regional city Central.
The Third Half is an initiative of the National Fund for the Elderly. Look here where there are activities in sports canteens in your area.