Jaimie Vaes is criticized by Boulevard: ‘She just took revenge!’

Jaimie Vaes sees her favor factor rapidly decreasing now that it appears that she has been joking around a bit about the car door incident. She was portrayed in RTL Boulevard as a vengeful ex.


It’s been almost a year since Yvonne Coldeweijer posted a video on her juice channel of the alleged abuse of Jaimie Vaes by her then boyfriend Jorik Scholten (Lil Kleine). The juice queen said in the images that Jaimie was stuck with her head between Jorik’s car door.

Jamie in disrepute

Now Jaimie appears to have confessed to the police that this is not entirely correct, and that it was ‘only’ a piece of arm or leg. According to the reality star, the media has made that after seeing the images, with which she seems to be referring mainly to Yvonne, who has brought this story out. And there is the juice queen not amused about.

Yvonne confirmed the day before yesterday that it was Jaimie herself who sent the car door video to her. She even posted their phone conversation about it online. It can be heard that it is a good friend of Jaimie who shouts that her head was stuck in the car door. And Jamie? He never contradicts that.

“It’s revenge!”

Jaimie is now in the country’s most viewed show category, RTL Boulevard, portrayed as a vengeful ex. “When you hear how that conversation went… I think it’s really crazy that Yvonne shared that conversation, but when you hear the conversation, she says, ‘Lil Kleine kicked me out of the house’, so that relationship was already done ”, says TV connoisseur Rob Goossens.

He continues: “That sheds a whole new light on the leaking of those images. That was not: I need this, because then the environment will say: get out of there. It was already done! So the leak was revenge. Then you suddenly understand why she didn’t say: well, I didn’t have my head in the door when that was suggested.”

Alimony requirement

In retrospect, private boss Evert Santegoeds also finds Jaimie’s motives questionable, he says Show news. “I think she also had a hefty alimony requirement at the time. She seems to have been threatening all weekend: I’m releasing that video, it’s going somewhere, and it came out somewhere.”

He continues: “It was soon clear to Jorik which way the wind was blowing. I don’t know if the motives were as noble as they now appear. She was angry: “He must pay!” I don’t know how she meant that. Financially or career wise.”

Everything allowed

Eddy Zoëy is milder about Jaimie. He points out in Boulevard that she often returned to her toxic relationship with Jorik. “She saw it as a method to stop that. Then I think: everything is allowed to say goodbye to a guest who abuses you several times.”

Rob: “You certainly have a point there. It is true: that head in between or not, is not a small detail. Getting your head stuck in a door can cause serious brain damage. And I would still have been angry about those images if I hadn’t thought that the head was in between, but that head was for me that I thought: what the f * ck, you are really sick.
