International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Apple’s free courses and video

Pto celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Apple has released a new and exciting video to share your efforts in fine-tuning innovative features and highly technological capable of improve accessibility. A theme historically experienced as a value by Apple, which has always sought new solutions through authentic experiences of people with visual, hearing, motor or cognitive disabilities. The video follows the daily life of seven people who create, spend time with their families and go to work or school. Each of them uses with absolute mastery of accessibility functionswhich allow them to remove barriers And move in daily life with greater independence and security.

Disability between empowerment and self-determination

The song of the video, I am the greatest, uses text from speeches by Muhammad Ali, icon of the concept of empowerment and self-determination. The track begins with a recital of Ali’s iconic words, performed by the all-female, indigenous Australian music collective Marliya Choir, and produced by Spinifex Gum. It also features musical contributions from the people featured in the video, with improvisations from Juilliard-trained jazz pianist Matthew Whitaker, and additional production from Cola Boyy, a self-described “disco innovator with a disability”.

From December 3 free accessibility tutorials in the Apple Store

Apple employees in stores across Europe will be showing the accessibility features present on Apple devices during some “Tips” sessions in the Store. These sessions will last fifteen minutes and will take place several times a day throughout the week to disseminate some functions that not everyone knows yet. Like adjusting text size, recognizing sounds or enlarging objects. Apple Stores offer free Today at Apple sessions, which help users get started with their devices and learn more about the accessibility tools of the Apple platform, such as VoiceOver. There are also dedicated sessions available explaining how to use the accessibility features for sight, hearing, cognition and mobility.

The meetings are free to all customers and are available upon request at all Apple Stores. To book, you can contact the Store directly to schedule a session, or you can book one session of online group.

What is International Day of Persons with Disabilities

There International day of persons with disabilities was called by the United Nations in 1981 and aims to enhance awareness towards understanding disability-related issues and commitment to ensure dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. Every December 3rd the day is dedicated to a specific theme. In 2017, on this same day, the Disability banner was presented at the European headquarters of the United Nations.

Based on many decades of United Nations work in the field of disability, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) adopted in 2006, has further improved the rights and well-being of people with disabilities in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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Accessibility features to better manage disability

In the Apple video, some useful functions are shown. For example, the Discovery Mode (Detection Mode) allows users blind or visually impaired to orient themselves among doors, objects and people present in their environment. Sound recognition (Sound Recognition) alerts people who are deaf or hard of hearing to a variety of sounds on Apple Watch, including a baby crying or a doorbell. Voice Control (Voice Control) opens up new possibilities for using Apple devices through voice alone. And Assistive Touch creates new possibilities for the use of technology for those with upper limb problems.
For more information:
Learn more about these or other accessibility features in a collection of videos on Apple Support:

