Humanized Psychiatry: Professional listening

What is Schizophrenia?

It is a different way of being in this world, a different form of existence.

It is as if I told you that the mind cracks. The person finds himself in this “tangible” world and at times he takes other alternative paths that he creates in his thoughts through different associations and moves away, “detaches” from what we commonly know as reality. I dare say that he plunges into a different reality.

Is it difficult to understand?

Clearly yes, because there is not much to understand. That is a shortcoming of many Therapists, trying to understand something that is very specific to each subject. I would rather speak of an extremely professional accompaniment. At times that human being rises and at others he sinks, but I am not referring only to his mood, but to his internal world that does not match the external world in which he lives.

What causes it?

We can say that there is a fragility, or a delicacy of the subject, but I must add that also in the clinic there is almost always an environment that pushes him into that abyss. Very terrible, chaotic childhoods, surrounded by violence of any kind and abuse. Environments that often improve, but in other cases they were and continue to be very adverse.

Can there be what is known as “affective flattening?” Yes, but this is an extremely delicate point because many times we do not know if it is part of the disease or if it is also typical of chronic drug treatment that also leads to the latter. And With this last reflection I am not saying that drugs are not necessary, but I do want to state that many times they are excessive and very aggressive for the feeling of the person.The Humanization of Psychiatry is of fundamental importance and a great social need and of this type of difficulties. To be a psychiatrist, in addition to training and a degree, it is often necessary to “have passed them” as they say. Empathy and sincere and constant listening are a key element and a permanent challenge of treatment, and for that too You have to train. Dealing with a person who suffers from Schizophrenia rewards us with constant learning and motivates us to know not only about medicine; we have to get out of that bottle and be a born curious and researcher of many very diverse and interesting topics. If there is a family that accompanies and groups that roll up their sleeves, it is much simpler.

How to help?

Schizophrenia does not end in the doctor’s office, it involves all the social spaces where the person develops, since their behavior is more stable, they suffer less, and they can have an adequate social role. If they are kind to him or her, things will probably work out well, on the contrary, the person can have attitudes and perform violent acts if they are in circles where phrases are issued that many may sometimes think are funny, but that are far from it. forms of verbal abuse that become very aggressive towards the individual. Good, humanized treatment is the central axis of the treatment of any mental illness.

Contact information:

Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @fefi.psiquiatria
Telephone: 3416050117

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