how to prevent with moderate physical activity – iO Woman

Stand cancer is the enemy to defeat in this fight physical activity is our precious ally. February 4 is celebrated on World Cancer Dayone more occasion to highlight the importance of movementjoined to one healthy lifestylein the prevention of numerous diseases, including also many forms of cancer.

The importance of physical activity

According to the definition ofWHO: “For physical activity means any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that involve an energy expenditureincluding the activities performed working, playingdedicating himself to housework, traveling and engaging in recreational activities». He knows it well Federica Accio, the“anti-personal trainer”which from its website and its social profiles, @InFormaconFedeand 2 books published with HarperCollinsdivulges his “gymnastique”i.e. the anti “workouts” for men and women who wish to lead an active life, but dislike the classic fitness that debilitates rather than regenerates. Accio is aimed at all those who would like to achieve aesthetic results without tiring body and mind.

Fight against cancer: an AIRC scholarship

His method “Healthy Dumpling” provides a tailor-made fitness thanks to the memorization method of the exercises. Everyone will choose their own ideal intensityin order to solicit the devices in the right measure, with balance. Neither too little nor too much. No timers, no imposed pace, but the maximum result without stress. But InformaconFede is also one Scholarship AIRC in favor of research to fight kidney cancer. Thanks to Federica Accio’s commitment, they have been collected from March 2021 to today over 25 thousand euros to fund research.

A protocol for cancer patients

The project is underway “The colors of care”conceived by Onlus AMOS in support of the oncology department of the San Matteo Polyclinic Pavia. «I had the privilege of being chosen to create a physical exercise protocol for cancer patients of San Matteo and I discussed its benefits in the Aula Magna at the University of Pavia. Every woman has a different path as well as different training needs. Thanks to my method everyone can customize their own exercises to achieve only benefits for body and mind and face the healing journey with a force majeure», explains Accio.

Breast cancer and nutrition: nine foods allied to prevention

Cancer and a sedentary lifestyle

«Multiple studies on sedentary lifestyle-cancer correlation have shown that people with higher levels of sedentary behaviori.e. those that go from the sofa to the bed, to the office desk, to the car or to public transport, also feature a higher cancer mortality rate. As many studies have shown, specifically, that moderate and constant exercise offers greater protection against colon and breast cancer, as it increases the immunitary defenseimprove the intestinal motility And reduces stress», continues the expert.

Even for cancer patients

“Adapted” physical exercise is important as a therapy in people who are battling cancer, because improve moodholds defenses up And drain the liquids which increase with the use of certain drugs. Reduces Furthermore the risk of recurrence and, more generally, helps in the disease control. As a small suggestion to increase the dose of daily movement, I recommend get up from your desk or sofa every hour and walk for a minute moving not only the legs but arms too. Restrict the use ofelevator and as far as possiblecar» concludes Accio.

