Households in Emmen will spend ten euros more on municipal charges next year

Other items from the budget:

The municipality wants to invest in cycle routes: wide cycle paths that are also suitable for e-bikes. The expectation is that the cycle route from Emmen-Centrum Station to the center of Klazienaveen has the best chance of success. Councilor Jan Bos also mentions the possibility of such a route between Emmerhout and the Emmer center.

Opening of town hall on Saturday

The municipality of Emmen started a trial in January with opening the town hall on Saturdays. According to councilor Jan Bos, this experiment can be considered a success. The municipality will therefore follow up on this.

The sports park in Bargeres is being overhauled. The local tennis and football clubs have both expressed that wish. The tennis club will have the opportunity to offer padel and pickleball, according to councilor Pascal Schrik. The football club sacrifices a field and gets one and a half artificial turf fields in return. The municipality wants to offer the vacated land as additional residential/work plots. According to Schrik, this will result in a total of four plots. There will also be additional parking spaces.

The Rensenpark is currently anything but beautiful, there is a lot of overdue maintenance. Until now, the municipality had a shortage of financial resources. This year the wallet will be drawn. According to councilor Rene van der Weide, 7.5 million euros will be invested in the park. A third of that amount is intended for the existing buildings.
