house burned down! Office advises: “Come back tomorrow with small change!”

Lothar K. (74) lost his house in a fire. Everything he owned was burned. Now the community is failing him. The Citizens Registration Office has no temporary accommodation for him!

Lothar K.’s house in Borkheide (Potsdam-Mittelmark) burned down completely on Wednesday night. What the former police officer built up over the last 30 years is gone.

The ruins are cordoned off by the police due to pending fire investigations. Therefore, the insurance company cannot yet become active and initiate payments.

The fire destroyed everything. Only ruins are left (Photo: Jörg Bergmann)

On Wednesday, the retiree contacted his responsible citizen’s office in Brück to ask for accommodation and to apply for documents such as ID, passport and driver’s license. Because the fire also destroyed all his papers.

Lothar K.: “One employee only said that there were no consultation hours. And gave me the advice: ‘Come back tomorrow – and bring some change!'” Because the photo booth would only take coins…

The house of Lothar K. (74) is uninhabitable (Photo: Jörg Bergmann)
The house of Lothar K. (74) is uninhabitable (Photo: Jörg Bergmann)

Also on Thursday, he reports, he received no support from the office. It was said: Unfortunately, there was no living space for him, everything was needed for Ukrainian refugees. He should go into a pension.

Lothar K.'s (74) bungalow is fully engulfed in flames (Photo: Julian Stähle)
The 74-year-old’s house caught fire on Wednesday night. Possibly a technical defect in the garage (Photo: Julian Stähle)

“But my pension isn’t enough for that,” says Lothar K. sadly, “I’ve paid taxes all my life. Now I’ve been put on a waiting list.”

also read

► Man (74) stands in front of the ruins of his existence after a fire

► Apartment uninhabitable after fire

Luckily, he first stayed with friends. He also got some clothes from them. The Citizens Registration Office has not yet responded to a BZ request.
