Sam and Rijk Hofman, the criticized brothers of Tim Hofman, were tackled at Jeroen Pauw’s talk show table for glorifying drinking. “Try Not To Squirt.”
Broadcaster MAX face Elles de Bruin sat with her two daughters Faye and Julia at the table with Jeroen Pauw in his talk show last night. Bar Let. The three have a podcast in which they investigate why our society is so saturated with alcohol. The reason? A night when Julia drank herself into a coma at the age of seventeen.
Drinking too much
The influence of social media is enormous, Jeroen explains to his viewers. “You are a little more receptive to social media when you are young and you are also involved with it a little more often, and then you are confronted with alcohol in this way.”
This is followed by a compilation of some stupid alcohol glorification by, among others, the Bankzitters, the FOMO Show, Monica Geuze and the brothers of Tim Hofman. We see Sam and Rijk Hofman receive a podcast award. When Sam is asked if he would like to say a word of thanks, he says: “No, I drank too much for that.”
Spray vomit
Who are all these people? Faye to her host Jeroen: “Yes, I don’t know if you know them all, but they are really super popular influencers, youtubers. I have been following them all for a long time, actually for years, and I was never really aware of how much they actually post about alcohol, in a positive way and they romanticize it very much.”
“Then I went through my timeline with Juul, who is a little older and therefore grew up a little less with social media, and I was quite shocked by how Juul reacted. From: ‘Oh, this is quite intense.’ At the end you saw Broers, which is a podcast by Sam and Rijk Hofman, and they have released a drinking game called Try Not To Spuitkots.”
Jeroen laughs
Jeroen has to laugh at that title. “You understand what is meant anyway, right? It’s not a disguised title!”
Faye: “That is really very popular. A total of four versions of it are sold out and I only realized it later, like: it’s so strange that this binge drinking, that very extreme drinking, is promoted so much and especially that they have a very young target group.”
What those Hofman brothers are doing is really reprehensible, says Julia. “Yes, it is one of the biggest podcasts in the Netherlands and they really only talk about: ‘Then I was drunk’, they just glorify it so much. It is not about one drink, but about the excess and how much it is glorified.”
The Hofman brothers belong to the drain of podcast land. They also use ‘cancer’ all the time, and they don’t want to stop doing that. “We just really like the word. Boomers don’t understand this.”