Heemsteed couple farms from their own living room: bags full of super fresh food

More than 200 households in Heemstede run a farm of about 18 hectares from their flats, villas or terraced houses. With a one-off investment of 2500 euros, they started a Herenboerderij almost a year ago. They employ a farmer who produces local and sustainable food exclusively for them. Paul and Jenny Kramer are also gentleman farmers and pick up bags full of food every Saturday.

The Kramer family picks up fresh food every Saturday from their own Herenboerderij

The food comes fresh from the land and only what grows in season, so in winter mainly cabbage, carrots, potatoes and celeriac. They pay a weekly contribution of about 12 euros. Sometimes the gentlemen farmers do their own harvesting, such as picking Brussels sprouts. Jenny and Paul Kramer have become gentleman farmers for the children, so that they can see where their food comes from and that it is largely organically produced.

The children see where the food comes from

Grab an Green

More and more North Hollanders are taking action to tackle climate change. Residents change their lifestyle, buy responsibly and insulate their homes. Entrepreneurs see opportunities and break new ground with sustainable products and services. You can see it every Tuesday on TV in the program Pak An Groen.

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