‘He really is a wolf in sheep’s clothing’

Nielson is undoubtedly experiencing a bitter Christmas now that Yvonne Coldeweijer has more or less exposed him as a cheater. “This is just a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” says the juice queen.

© AvroTros

As a seasoned juice journalist, Yvonne Coldeweijer has already seen a lot of cheating celebrities pass by, but Nielson is making it very colorful, according to her. In addition to the videos and photos she posted last week of a sleeping Nielson, made by a fan who was seduced to come to his hotel room, she says there is more going on.

Emails from Nelson

Another lady who refused an affair with Nielson because he has a wife was answered by the singer as follows: “I have explained to you in our emails how that is for me, but I cannot determine how you stand there.”

What are those emails then? Yvonne read them. “What he is doing is high treason,” she explains in the podcast The Juice Show. “He sends page-long emails to queer girls just talking about his relationship and how unhappy he is in it to a certain level and how he sees it in a relationship.”

Intimacy vacuum

Does Nielson, like Marco Borsato, suffer from an Intimacy Vacuum? “I don’t know, that wasn’t there. So he thinks he has an open relationship, and then he adds: “But out of respect for her I want to keep it discreet and that you knew everything.” Yeah, okay, this is just a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

His wife knows absolutely nothing about that ‘open relationship’, according to Yvonne. “You may think you have that, but you only have that if you have discussed it, I think.”

High treason

Yvonne thinks Nielson is a false man. “I think it’s high treason. You have to know yourself that you want to put your p**mel in someone. Look, then you’re just already a loser, but okay. But if you then send long e-mails about your relationship to a strange girl because you want to fuck her… Nahh, I think that’s really high treason.”

She continues: “This sent me a lot of girls that he cheated with, all the same story… Three girls. So he says: ‘For 80 percent she is my dream woman, but for the other 20 percent I just need someone else. I think that’s normal in life and I think it should be possible in relationships.’”

‘So ugly!’

They are just ‘l*lstories’, says Yvonne. “And then he says: ‘Better delete these e-mails again. When you meet me, delete these messages!’ So ugly. (…) What a loser!”

Nielson sings in his song ‘I’ve got a girl at home’: “I’ve got a girl at home, a girl at home They wouldn’t want me to do you. I have a girl at home, a girl at home I want there with a clear conscience.”

Yvonne: “What a sham!”
