Great anti-government protests again in Sri Lanka, house president stormed

Large-scale anti-government protests are again taking place in Colombo, Sri Lanka’s largest city, on Saturday, including storming the residence of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. This is reported by international news agencies on the basis of a local television channel. Rajapaksa was not in the house at the time of the storm. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has called an emergency meeting with leaders of all political parties in response to escalating protests.

Footage is said to show demonstrators, clad in Sri Lankan flags and helmets, who managed to break into the presidential residence. To get into the house, protesters would have broken through a police barricade. Police have used tear gas and water cannons against the thousands of protesters who have gathered around the residence.

Rajapaksa was not at the presidential residence when it was stormed, although it is unclear when exactly he left it. According to sources from the American news agency Reuters, he was already brought to safety on Friday, according to sources from the French AFP, he was able to leave the house “minutes” before the storm.

Economic crisis

It has been restless in Sri Lanka for months. The South Asian country is facing the worst economic crisis since 1948, partly due to the war in Ukraine and the aftermath of the corona pandemic. temporarily limiting them to essential services, such as health care and public transport.

Demonstrations against the economic slump have turned into widespread anti-government protests in recent months. Since March, protesters, mostly nonviolently, have demanded the resignation of Gotabaya Rajapaksa. From May, those demonstrations became increasingly violent, with protesters and police clashing with each other.

Also read: The Rajapaksas: Sri Lankan Family Dynasty on the Rise
