Giorgia Meloni and the strength that comes from abandonment

Aldo Cazzullo (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

THEThe country is making a great emotional investment in Giorgia Meloni. Perhaps even excessive.

The instinct of the Italians to rush to the winner’s aid continues to manifest itselfwith excesses that will have impressed Meloni herself.

As one of her mentors, Vittorio Feltri, said, as head of government, Meloni has yet to prove everything.

He sure has a nice personal story. I remember when I interviewed her, after reading her book in drafts of her I am Giorgia. At the center is the story of the father’s disavowal.

At the age of eleven Giorgia decides not to see him again. When, some time later, her father is dying, her elder sister Arianna – to whom her current prime minister is very attached to her – tells her: «Dad is leaving. I’m going to say hello. You?”. She replies no. And when the father really leaves, he remains indifferent: “I felt nothing, neither pain nor relief.”

“I am Giorgia. My roots, my ideas ”by Giorgia Meloni (Rizzoli).

For a long time Giorgia thought that the absence of her father was not a problem. She then she realized that was the problem. But destined to become a strong point. If she hadn’t grown up with that wound, she wouldn’t have become so hard, so demanding, first and foremost with herself. And she wouldn’t get to where she is.

This obviously applies to other politicians. If Renato Brunetta had been tall, perhaps he would not have become a minister (and I bet that sooner or later he will return to an important department).

How many times have I heard: D’Alema is intelligent, Renzi is good, too bad for his character… But if they did not have their competitive character, always looking for an enemy to defeat, they would not have become prime minister.

On an obviously different and more dramatic level, if Bebe Vio hadn’t touched that terrible ordeal, it wouldn’t be Bebe Vio. Difficulties make the man, and so does the woman. There are those who get down, and there are those who react. The important thing is to help those who get down, and understand the reasons of those who react.

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